Elevate Your Leadership Game
Our RXperts reveal the secrets to their success

Ever wondered what really makes a manager awesome? We had a chat with some of our RXers who recently scored big with their teams in our latest employee opinion survey. These exceptional trailblazers aren't just good managers - they're rated top-notch for their leadership skills. Wondering how they work their managerial mojo? Get ready for an inside look at their NIMBLE ways of thinking, being and behaving.
Johanna Faudt
Head of Digital Operations, Germany
I can’t and wouldn’t want to take all the credit for being a good manager. It really is a team effort, and I am grateful to have had a wonderful team to grow with in my new role over the past year. My ‘leadership style’ is not fixed. I like to think of myself as more of a coach than a manager, and to be a good coach I think you have to look at your team as individuals to see what they each need and what motivates them. It is important to create an environment and a team culture where everyone feels safe and heard; a place where people can feel open to talk to each other, make mistakes and grow; where we can also speak about what is on our mind and give honest feedback, whether it’s good or bad. This will lead all of us to be able to continuously improve. I am here to support my team in their roles and their work, but I do not need to micromanage in any way. It is amazing to see each of my team members grow and I am happy to be part of their journey at RX.

Anecia Johnston
Director of Engineering, Global Technology
My management style prioritises safety, empowerment and trust. I want to foster an environment where everyone feels safe to express themselves, take risks and make mistakes. It’s also important to me that individuals within the team feel empowered and have a level of autonomy in their work. I’m fortunate to work with a team that is highly skilled and experienced in their fields, so I don’t like to micro-manage. Instead, I ensure that everyone understands the “bigger picture” and provide the support, advice and coaching to guide them in their decisions and recommendations. I’ve done a lot of work to build mutual trust between all members of the team and this has been crucial in building multiple teams that can work together towards a common goal. I believe that this environment, where everyone feels truly valued, encourages better collaboration, creativity and growth – individually and as a team.

Tim Ramage
Global Head of International Sales
The concept behind good people management is not complicated and needs a simple message. I would say, be the manager you always wanted to have – motivating, empowering, trusting, and clear about what success looks. And spend some time thinking about the traits of a manager you least like – avoid those! What is good for you is likely good for others.

Alinne Rosa
Group Vice-President of HR, Americas
For me, setting a good working environment starts with me, asking myself: “how I would like to be managed?”. This is my compass to build relationships with my team, remembering I am led by someone too and what I expect from this person. I always try to build trust and a safe space to be yourself. I am very transparent in my communication style, opening myself up and sharing who I am, the things I do well, and my vulnerabilities. My team understand I am human too; I will make mistakes; I will say I don’t know; I will build solutions together with them; and I will take responsibility together with the team when we have to correct routes and do better. Self-awareness, humility, accountability, working as part of the team, and sharing responsibilities are the ways I have successfully engaged the teams I have led directly or in a matrix environment.

Jennifer Wang
Senior Strategic Marketing Director, China
I adopt different management styles based on the nature of the work - sometimes with more delegation, sometimes with a more hands-on approach. I trust my team members and I encourage them to try new ideas and pilot innovations to further improve results. For the best outcomes, it’s important to align the team’s objectives to the company’s overall vision and strategic priorities, as ‘why’ should always come before ‘what’. Only by understanding the overall company objectives, business context and strategic direction, can team members embrace their objectives and be self-motivated to achieve them. Everyone in my team has a voice ̶ they have their own strengths and potential and I find that a supportive and networked culture is both motivating and rewarding. I never take team members’ extra efforts for granted ̶ timely recognition is a must from any manager.

Chris Zang
Project Director, China
As a manager, I am deeply aware of the importance of leadership. A good leader can motivate team members to show their talents in their daily work, provide support and encouragement when they encounter difficulties, and lead the team to achieve goals together. In my daily management, I pay great attention to giving the team space to show their work and encouraging them to come up with their own ideas and suggestions. I strive to be a leader who can listen to and understand the needs of my team, driving business growth through effective communication and collaboration.